Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Forest Whitaker!

June 7th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my sketch of today’s subject, Forest Whitaker!

Forest has some pretty obvious features to exaggerate… the lazy eye and the huge ears jump right out at you. However it’s expression that really drives a good caricature. Finding and exaggerating a person’s “presence”, what makes them them is just as important as giving someone really big ears. I find how the corners of Forest’s mouth curve downward and in , and how the nasolabial furrows (lines from the nose down to the corners of the mouth, go out wide and then also curve around and under the mouth corners fascinating. Those elements and how the tubercle (that triangular shaped center of the upper lip) protrudes out is what creates that kind of “scowl” expression he often has.

His head shape is very wide, and he has one of those faces where the eyes and nose (T Shape) all scrunch up in the center of a big head mass. He has a huge cranial mass so I needed to reduce the mass in the chin/jaw area to balance it out.


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