Mort Tribute Print!

August 28th, 2020 | Posted in News

I’ve had so many people ask me to produce my two page Mort Drucker tribute from MAD #15 as a print that I am knuckling under to the pressure. You can order that print here. I also have signed copies of MAD #15, which the spread appears in, available. However, every single copy of that issue that I received as an unfortunately printer defect on the left page of my spread. It’s a top to bottom linear streak, sort of like a rubbed line about 2.25 inches from the center gutter. It’s not really obvious but it is noticeable, and I have no copies without it, so if you order a copy of MAD #15 that’s what you’ll get.


  1. Matt Smudge says:

    Don’t apologize; call it a tribute! “From top to bottom, Drucker had the best line.”


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