Illustration Thurowback: Married… with Children!

August 12th, 2021 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

Since we were strolling down memory lane with my sketch of Al & Peg Bundy yesterday, I thought we’d take a look back as some of the “Married…with Children” comic book work I did way back in the early 90’s. The above was a promo ad for the title, and here’s a bunch of covers. Some I pencilled only, some I also inked, and one I did the color and all.

NOW switched from doing a regular numbered series to a series of multiple issue “miniseries” that were built around a themed storyline. The cover above was the first in a series of four where Bud Bundy tries creating his own comic, which is the family as the Fantastic Four. Yes, it’s as bizarre as it sounds.

But it gets weirder. We also did a three issue series that riffed on the then popular “future” versions of comic book characters, where Al falls asleep watching a Sc-Fi TV movie marathon, and dreams the Bundy’s are in all these different Sci-Fi movies.

I also inked this one…

We also did a “Flashback” series with stories from Al & Peg’s past, including high school, there wedding, etc…

I did the color and all on this cover…

This was the last cover (and issue) I did for NOW. It was supposed to be the first issue of a three issue story where Al wins the lottery, but issue #2 never got published. the company went belly up before it could get finished:


  1. Barry Daniel Petersen says:

    Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication month in and month out Tom. Always loved working with you. Such a talented guy.


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