Illustration Throwback Thursday #58: Hollywood Follies!

December 20th, 2018 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

These were a series of spot illustrations I did for a magazine called Fade In (now long defunct) back in 2005. The article was about famous Hollywood blunders, embarrassments, or scandals. Pee Wee‘s Engorged Adventure was just one of them. Here’s some of the others… frankly I can’t remember the exact specifics of each one:

Disney rejects Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” movie pitch as a loser.

Warner Bros agrees to give Jack Nicholson less up front and a piece of the back end of 1989’s “Batman” along with royalties on merchandise, making his compensation among the highest of all time for a single film
The Fatty Arbuckle/Virginia Rappe scandal
Fox’s near bankruptcy thanks to the out-of-control over-budget costs of 1963’s “Cleopatra”
Michael Eisner fails to extend the Disney/Pixar partnership
Studios shun Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”


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