Daily Coronacature- Chadwick Boseman!

September 2nd, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Like the rest of the world I was shocked to hear of the passing of actor Chadwick Boseman at age 43 last week. While I thought he was great as King T’Challa in the MCU and as Jackie Robinson in “42”, I had no idea what a terrific human being he was as well until all the stories and tibutes to him started appearing. It’s sad that so often we don’t take the time to know and honor people for being as kind and generous and heroic as Chadwick was until we have lost them. RIP.

Study notes on Chadwick Boseman: As always, we look at multiple references of our subject, even if we base most of our caricature on a single pose. This is because static, 2D pictures will not tell you the whole story about a subject’s face. With Chadwick he has smaller eyes quite far apart, a wide but short forehead, a quite angular jawline and a wry, crooked smile.


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