Daily Coronacature

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Dwayne Johnson!

June 20th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Day 96. He’s a pretty easy caricature for most people because he has a very obvious head shape for exaggeration. Everything starts with the shape of the head. If you can see and exaggerate the head shape effectively, the rest of the caricature falls into place because the other shapes have to fit into that exaggerated head shape. Dwayne has a classic “bullet head” with a small cranial mass. It’s partly because he is bald, but mostly because he has a massive jaw and chin, and a smaller top of a skull. Add to that the really thick neck… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Ian Holm!

June 19th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on the (very recently) late actor Sir Ian Holm. When I teach my workshops I talk a lot about how caricature is about capturing/exaggerating someone’s “presence” as much as their features. In fact, the features are just the medium we use to describe a subject as a person. The meat and bones are just inanimate tissue without the personality and presence of the person to animate it. That is why really good impressionists can actually resemble the people they are impersonating without any makeup… they mimic the facial expressions of the subject as well as their voice, and even though the impressionist… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Emma Stone!

June 18th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my caricature of Emma Stone for the Daily Coronacature. Emma has a very cute, wholesome, “girl next door” sort of look. She reminds me a little of Lindsay Lohan before all the drugs and booze. Emma has a tiny, short nose and quite big eyes. However when she smiles like this her eyes get very squinty, so the need to be wide to make sure they still occupy a lot of the face width, and the prominent bulges under the eyes become important as well. She has a toothy smile with “downturned” corners, which you occasionally see in people with big smiles. Most of… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Robert Pattinson!

June 17th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Still struggling with a lot of different projects with tight deadlines, so this one is a bit late today… upcoming star of “The Batman” Robert Pattinson. At first Pattinson seems to have an easy face to caricature. He has a very square chin and sharp, angular features including an amazingly square jawline and prominent cheekbones. He also has heavy, dark eyebrows, a sharp, pointed nose and sort of sleepy eyes. However different angles of his face seem to present entirely different head shapes, and there is a lot of subtlety about his features and expression that can be elusive. I found that trying to really… READ MORE

TDC Catch Up- Matthew McConaughey!

June 16th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Alright Alright Alright! Matthew McConaughey was our subject way back on “Tom’s Daily Coronacature” day 31, but I copped out and posted an old caricature of him rather than do a new sketch. There were a handful of days around then where I had some nasty deadlines and did the same thing. I’m going back and doing new sketches of any subjects I wimped out on. So, here’s a new take on Matthew… I could not resist drawing him doing the “Lincoln Finger Roll”. READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature: Mel Brooks!

June 16th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on the legendary Mel Brooks. No time for a breakdown today… it’s pretty self-evident anyway. READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Rosario Dawson!

June 15th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Better late than never today… here’s my Rosario Dawson. Rosario has a really wide and square jaw for a woman. Males tend to have larger mandible bones and brow shelves with a more sloped forehead than females, although there are plenty of examples that break that “rule”. Rosario has an angular jaw and chin, with a wide mouth and full lips. She also has big and wide eyes, and a narrow nose bridge with heavy eyelids. Here lower lids budge out quite prominently. By the way, this is not the first time I have drawn Ms. Dawson. In fact, I drew her “live” at the… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Mr. Rogers!

June 14th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Fred Rogers. I decided to add some of the figure because that’s so a part of his persona. This subject is challenging to caricature because he doesn’t have a very strong and identifiable expression that is associated with him. He is known for being very mild, calm, and even keeled. Having such a soft and understated “presence” give you nothing to exaggerate in terms of personality, so you are left with trying to capture that calm and mild look. Physically he has a few things to exaggerate. He’s got a fairly wide and large forehead area, and dark, heavy eyebrows that extend almost… READ MORE


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