Getting MAD in Burbank

January 18th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Pictured: MAD Executive Editor Bill Morrison and Art Director Suzy Hutchinson going over the pencils for my first parody with them… went better than I expected.

The Lovely Anna and I dropped by the new MAD offices in Burbank while I on my west coast workshop tour. Most of the stuff from the NYC offices had just arrived and was still in boxes, but things were definitely looking MAD there.

All the offices have colored glass sliding doors with DC characters and scene on them, including a few MAD ones.

Clark and I working on a story…

Perusing Bill Gaines’ personal bound copy of the first 12 issues of MAD in the DC archives.

Some costumes from the movies on display in the lobby.

The offices will look a lot MAD-der when the NYC stuff gets set up.


  1. john mccann says:

    MAD had offices in a different location(Lafeyette St.?) in the beginning before making the move to MADison Avenue. Looking forward to the “NEW” issues.


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