MAD 20 Exclusive: Dennis and the Menace!

December 3rd, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

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The upcoming issue of MAD will be their annual “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of the Year” issue, which in the last several years has been getting quite a bit of attention on the interwebbys in the form of “exclusive first looks” of some of the various MAD 20.

Today gives us the first of those exclusive first looks, this one is MAD’s Dumbest #10: a look at “Dennis Rodman, Our North Korean Ambassador”. Looks like the writer is Desmond Devlin, the artist is probably Gary Halgren, and I don’t have a clue who the colorist is because sadly this is the worst JPEG I’ve ever seen… looks like a thumbnail that was enlarged by 400%. Hopefully they replace it with a decent resolution image quickly, because it looks really funny but is unreadable. 🙁


  1. Mike S. says:

    Colorist: Jim Campbell


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