The Mad Art of Caricature! Video Review

February 3rd, 2012 | Posted in News


I came across this recently posted unsolicited YouTube review of my book today by Brooklyn caricaturist Elgin “Subway Surfer” Bolling. He has some nice things to say about it. It’s one thing to get positive reviews from general readers, but it’s particularly gratifying to hear from well-established professional caricaturists that, despite long experience doing caricature, they got something from the book as well. Thanks, Elgin!

As always, you can order a copy of The Mad Art of Caricature! here.


  1. MDW Belgium says:

    La qualit?¬© de ce bouquin m?¬©rite cet clip d’un confrére !

  2. George Cook says:

    Very cool, tom! I am really looking forward to reading the book when it arrives.

  3. Ron says:

    I haven’t seen Elgin in years. Miss that guy. His enthusiasm is contagious. I was going to wait a bit until I saw you next time to get your book. But I may have to buy it sooner than that.

  4. jailerjoe says:

    You should’ve run this during the Super Bowl! Nice job, Elgin!

  5. tomi of finland says:

    Any distributors on ye olde continent? Seems a bit silly to pay a extra 17$+taxes for a 25$ book. (So what I’m really saying is the book is too cheap, I guess.)
    But I really want this book so I gues I’ll just cough up.

    • Tom says:

      Sorry. I know the shipping cost overseas is expensive. That’s the cheapest I can do it for, and it’s actual cost plus 5 cents. One of the drawbacks of self-publishing… wholesalers won’t even talk to you and distributors charge you coming and going.


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