Sketch o’the Week

December 16th, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Megan Fox ©2009 Tom Richmond

This week’s sketch is a LOOOOONG one of actress Megan Fox (don’t tell The Lovely Anna I drew Megan Fox . . . she thinks I have a “thing” for her). It was another interesting full body pose from a picture out of a recent issue of “US Weekly” Magazine. Drawing heads gets boring. Besides, I have been inspired recently by the terrific pin-up/caricature hybrid drawings and paintings of my good pal Ed Steckley.


  1. George Cook says:

    Very cool! I like seeing your sketch of the week posts, they make me want to practice more doing caricatures…which I admit i’m not doing that much of….and I have yet to attempt to do a full body one.

  2. steph says:

    Outstanding! It’s funny, I was thinking about writing in and demanding a sketch of the week of Megan Fox. IT’S LIKE YOU’RE INSIDE MY HEAD!

  3. Tom Heintjes says:

    Nice job…but where are all of MF’s tats???

    • Tom says:

      Only one tattoo was visible on the photo and I just plain forgot to add it . . . Didn’t seem important to the drawing.

  4. ty says:

    Kind of looks like SJP.


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