Doctor Who Print Almost Gone!

April 1st, 2014 | Posted in News

The 11 Doctors!Clicky to embiggen…

Have you been procrastinating on buying your copy of my print “The Doctor Is In?” Well, you might be too late. As of this morning I have exactly 3 prints left, with or without the 12th doctor option where I draw Peter Capaldi on the side. Whenever I do one of these “only X number left” posts, I tend to sell those X number immediately, so even as your read this they might be gone.

Doctor No. 12 hand drawn in!Clicky to embiggen…

If you missed out, my apologies. Buck up, though! I will be debuting a brand new print this spring and it will of course be available in the Studio Store.

Disclaimer: This is NOT an April Fools joke.


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