New Live Caricature Sample

May 17th, 2010 | Posted in General

It’s that time of year again, where I spend several days drawing out at my local theme park while the new artists get their skills in order… and that means new samples for the walls of our booths. My updated Tiger Woods above is based on a previous Sketch o’the Week.


  1. Corey says:

    Great sample, I love the air brush look! What kind of colors do you keep handy and how many air brushes do you have set up?

  2. Fiona says:

    Hehehe…is that a ticket for a strip clup, or strip club ? I guess the strip type is his favourite club, on and off the greens….;)

  3. Leandro says:

    Its really impressive the power of the colors! Gives life! You made it with Photoshop or with spray tecnique?

    Have a good week,


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