Off to the Reubens!

May 21st, 2009 | Posted in News

The Lovely Anna and I are headed out to Los Angeles today to attend the annual National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards Weekend. As hard as I tried I couldn’t completely finish this book job I am working on so, as usual, I will be spending some time in the hotel room working on a job while I am there. No inking this time, though. Actually I decided to just do one more total all nighter and finish the book, with the exception of the cover which is still in review, before I left… so it’s all party now, baby. I will release details about the book when it’s permissible with the publisher.

I will be doing daily blogs from the weekend complete with pictures and reports, and will be doing live Twittering of the Saturday evening Reuben awards themselves announcing divisional winners and the winner of the “Cartoonist of the Year” as they happen… so follow me on Twitter (link in the blogroll on the right) to get the scoop.


  1. Nate says:

    Have a great time! Wish I could be there 🙁 Look forward to reading the updates

  2. Hope to see you around town

  3. See you there mate!

  4. John Read says:

    See you AND Jason there, Tom!


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