On the Drawing Board

August 23rd, 2006 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s the final colored art of the piece I inked for the inking tutorial:


I hate using photshop tricks like I did rendering the grass on this one, but sometimes you just have to do it. I took only a few minutes compared to who-knows-how-long if I went in and painted blades of grass. Even using the Rubber Stamp tool it would have taken hours more to render that field of grass. It looks a little out of place in my opinion but the art director and client loved it, so what do I know????ᬨ‚Ć

Also, here’s one of the panels from that Mel Gibson gag strip I did for MAD:


This is much bigger on the screen than it will be in the magazine. Inks don’t like to be enlarged… but there it is anyway. See the rest of it in MAD #471. The other video game piece I’ll have in that issue is still on the board.


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